Quotation Request

Insuristic Estate Protect Direct

Estate Details

Estate Details

If you've had a quote or bought a policy previously, please login before proceeding.
The Estate Protect policy is for UK estates only
Cover is not available if the deceased lived in the Channel Islands or the Isle of Man.
Please confirm that you will answer all these questions accurately, to the best of your knowledge and most importantly, honestly.
Failure to do so could mean we don't pay a claim, amend the terms of your policy, or in the case of deliberate non-disclosure treat this policy as though it never existed.
You must agree to answer all questions accurately, to the best of your knowledge and most importantly, honestly.

If you cannot do this we cannot provide a quotation

Are you an Executor, Administrator, Trustee, Solicitor or Personal Representative of the Estate?
You need to be an Executor, Administrator, Trustee, Solicitor or Personal Representative of the Estate to buy this policy

Your Name
What is your correspondence address?
What is your email address?
All quotes and policy documents are sent via email.

If you already have an account please login at the top of this page.

Your Date of Birth
Your Phone Number
(in case we need to talk to you)
About the Estate
Name of regulated firm administering the Estate
This can be a Solicitor or an Accountant that is regulated for Probate Activities.
If the firm providing advice is an Estate Planner not regulated for probate activities please Select DIY to the previous question.
What is the name of the Regulated Firm assisting you with Probate and Estate Administration?
Please provide details of why someone could make a claim against the estate?
Limit of Indemnity

The Limit of Indemnity should represent the total value of the estate and will be the amount of cover applied to each policy section.

Deceased Details
Deceased First Name
Deceased Middle Name
If no middle name please leave blank
Deceased Surname
Deceased Date of Birth
Date of Death
What was the Deceased's last address?

Please enter the postcode for the property and search for the address from the list.

If you cannot find the property on the list, please enter the address manually.

This policy isn't suitable for you
As the deceased did not live in the UK this policy is not suitable for you.


Here are the coverage options available to protect the executors, personal representatives, trustees and beneficiaries:
Early Distribution Insurance

This policy offers protection in two situations:

  1. It covers cases where the estate is distributed before the required 6-month waiting period following the grant of representation under the Inheritance Act 1975.
  2. It provides protection when the 6-month period has already passed, but a dependent makes a claim after this period, which is later validated by a court.

Do you want to include Early Distribution Insurance?

Have all beneficiaries due to inherit from the estate been contacted and can you confirm you have no reason to believe there will be a claim against the estate?
I can confirm:
Please provide details
Include the details of who hasn't been contacted and the risk of a claim that you are concerned about.
Have any of the following dependents been excluded from the Will?
  • The spouse or civil partner of the deceased
  • A former spouse or civil partner of the deceased, if they were married or in a civil partnership for at least two years immediately before the death
  • A child of the deceased
  • A child of the family of the deceased (this includes stepchildren, adopted children, and children who were treated as children of the family by the deceased)
  • A dependant of the deceased (this includes people who were financially dependent on the deceased, such as a parent or sibling)
Have any of the following dependants been excluded and are not being included in the distribution of the estate?
  • The spouse or civil partner of the deceased
  • A former spouse or civil partner of the deceased, if they were married or in a civil partnership for at least two years immediately before the death
  • A child of the deceased
  • A child of the family of the deceased (this includes stepchildren, adopted children, and children who were treated as children of the family by the deceased)
  • A dependant of the deceased (this includes people who were financially dependent on the deceased, such as a parent or sibling)
Please provide the answers to the following questions
Please provide the name(s) and age(s) of the excluded person(s)
Where does the excluded person(s) live?
Please include the full address (if known) or anything you know about their location.
What is the financial position of the excluded persons i.e. anything that might encourage them to claim against the estate
Did the excluded person(s) receive any regular payments from the deceased before their death
Please provide details of these regular payments
Do any excluded person(s) have any disabilities or long-term care needs?
Please provide details of the excluded person(s) disabilities and long-term care needs.
Are the excluded person(s) aware of the death?
Did all the excluded person(s) go to the funeral?
Are the excluded person(s) aware that they will not benefit from the Will?
When was this communicated?
How easy would it be for them to find out? Are they in contact with the family?
What responses have been received, and what has the excluded person(s) said about the exclusion?
What are the reasons for Early Distribution?
Do you have a statement letter from the deceased confirming the reasons for the exclusion?
Please upload a copy of the letter from the testator
If you do not have this to hand, please email a copy of the letter to [email protected] quoting the reference number you will receive via email at the end of this quote request.
Please provide a copy of the Will
If you do not have this to hand, please email a copy of the letter to [email protected] quoting the reference number you will receive via email at the end of this quote request.
What is the date of the Grant of Probate?
Section 27 Indemnity Insurance

Provides insurance protection where an unknown creditor claims a financial interest in the estate following distribution, without the placement of, or expiry of a Section 27 notice.  

This insurance also provides enhanced protection for the beneficiaries where a Statutory notice has or has not been placed.

It will be a condition of the policy that you complete a free statutory credit report on the deceased prior to distributing the estate and that all liabilities on this report are settled. The policy will cover any claims from creditors not contained in this report.

Do you want to include Section 27 Insurance cover?

Have you obtained a Credit report on the deceased, or if not, do you agree to obtain one?

If you haven't got a Statutory Deceased Credit Report yet, it is easy to do online for free once you have bought a Section 27 Insurance Policy. You can get a report for Free from either Equifax here or Experian here.

Are you aware of a potential creditor (or other party) having a claim against the estate?
Please give details of any creditor (or other party) having a claim against the estate
Are you aware of any third party who has raised an interest in the estate with regards to a private loan or gift to which is being disputed?
Please provide details of the gift or loan and what action you are taking in terms of repayment or rejection of the claim.
Missing Will Insurance

This policy provides protection to the insured in cases where an estate has already been distributed, but a third party who was not taken into account during the distribution process later contests it due to the discovery of a missing will.

Do you want to include Missing Will Insurance?

Have you completed a Missing Will Search with the National Will Register
The search you need is called a 'Will Search Combined' which covers both an online and geographic search. .
The only search acceptable when arranging insurance with Insuristic is a Combined Will Search provided by the National Will Register.  
Missing Will Insurance cannot be purchased until this has been done, but you can still purchase other covers.

If you haven't completed a Missing Will Search yet, you can buy this from the National Will Register who will undertake a search of over 10 million registered Wills on your behalf click here to vist their website.

You can get a quote for other insurance policies if you exclude Missing Will Insurance from your quote.

Do you have any reason to believe there is a missing Will?
Please provide details of the Missing Will
Are you confident that all necessary documentation (whether at the deceased’s property or otherwise) has been searched to locate a Will or a later Will of the deceased?
Please confirm why all necessary documentation hasn't been searched for
Missing Beneficiary Insurance

This policy offers protection in two scenarios: 

  1. When a beneficiary is known but missing at the time the deceased's estate is distributed; and 
  2. When an unknown beneficiary emerges later and attempts to make a financial claim against the distributed estate.

Do you want to include this cover?

Has a genealogist completed a genealogy report within the last 12 months?
Do you have a family tree that has been produced and verified by a specialist provider who has researched at least two stems or generations (England and Wales) or three stems or generations (Scotland) within the last 12 months?
Have you located all beneficiaries entitled to inherit from the estate?
Please provide details of the known missing beneficiary and what steps have been taken to find and contact them

Statements of Fact

Please read the following statements: (which are dynamic based on your cover selection and may not appear in alphabetical order).
A. The proposed Insured is the Executor and/or the Personal Representative for the Deceased’s Estate;
B. The proposed Insured understands that the policy covers UK assets only;
C. The proposed Insured is unaware of any party having a claim against the Estate;
D. The proposed Insured can confirm to the best of their knowledge that the Deceased did not give any regular monetary payments to third parties in the last 3 years and nor are they aware of any party who was financially dependent on the Deceased in that period;
E. If the deceased had a surviving spouse and/or child(ren), the proposed Insured confirms that they will benefit from the Estate;
F. For a testate estate, the Proposed Insured can confirm that whilst a will has been located on the deceased (and an assessment has been performed to confirm the validity of the will), insurance is being put in place to cover the event that an unknown will is located;
G. The proposed Insured can confirm that they have successfully contacted all beneficiaries who are entitled to inherit from the Estate either (i) where they are referenced in a will or, (ii) where they are likely to benefit under the intestacy rules or, (iii) where they have been identified in enquiries raised;
H. A credit and liabilities search (from a credit reference agency registered on the Financial Services Register) will be conducted on the deceased prior to the distribution of the estate, and any liabilities revealed in this report will be settled. The proposed Insured understands that any known creditor or party, identified either in the report or by other means, is excluded from cover;
I. Whilst not a subjectivity of cover, if a gazette notice has been placed, it has (or will) expire before this policy is incepted
J. A comprehensive genealogy report and a family tree has been produced and verified by a specialist provider who has researched at least three stems/generations within the last 12 months, and this did not identify any potential missing beneficiaries and the outcome of the genealogy report confirms there are no further investigations or enquiries required;
J. A family tree has been produced and verified by a specialist provider who has researched at least two stems/generations (England and Wales) three stems/generations (Scotland) within the last 12 months, and this did not identify any potential missing beneficiaries and there are no further investigations or enquiries required;
K. The proposed Insured can confirm that they have carried out all appropriate and necessary checks to locate a Will or a later Will including commissioning an online will search for locating registered wills, a search at local will writers/solicitors/safety deposit boxes near to the deceased’s previous known residences and a search of the deceased’s last known residence(s) including any care homes;
L. On the date the policy is ordered the proposed Insured is not aware of any matter which is likely to give rise to a claim, other than any matter already disclosed to the Administrator.
Please provide information on the statements that you disagree with
Have you provided Insuristic with honest and accurate answers to all questions asked?
I understand that if I have failed to do so, my cover may be limited, claims payments proportionately reduced or my policy rendered invalid.
Have you provided Insuristic with a fair presentation of the risk and have taken care when answering any questions asked by ensuring that all the information provided is accurate and complete?

A fair presentation is one which clearly discloses in a clear and accessible manner all material facts which I and any senior management within my business ought to know following a reasonable search of the business for this information. 

I understand that if I have failed to do so, my cover may be limited, claims payments proportionately reduced or my policy rendered invalid.